In the Spring and Autumn Period, a princess of Qi Kingdom escaped from the Palace. With the help of her friend, she acquired the power of "spirit" and the ability of defeating formidable evil. Finally, she accomplished the revenge. However, that was not an end...

An action game set in the Ancient China, bringing players addictive experiences with its unique Chinese traditional art-style and sound design.

Fast-paced Action Game Set in Ancient China is coming to players!
Set 2500 years ago, during the Warring States period of Ancient China, we see a mythological land where Kings and demons reign, and a hero must defeat evil to avenge her household.
Set 2500 years ago, during the Warring States period of Ancient China, we see a mythological land where Kings and demons reign, and a hero must defeat evil to avenge her household.
2018.3.19 GDC Exhibition
The development team will be travelling to GDC in San Francisco to give players there a first-look at The Silent Woods and experience the game for themselves hands-on!
The development team will be travelling to GDC in San Francisco to give players there a first-look at The Silent Woods and experience the game for themselves hands-on!